
never miss a Monday

upper body build & engine. never miss a Monday focuses on building upper body strength and endurance. over 4-6 week blocks you will build strength in movements such as bench press & pull ups.

turn up Tuesday

lower body build & engine. turn up Tuesday focuses on building lower body strength and endurance. over 4-6 week blocks you will build strength in movements such as squats and lunges.

mindset day

we don’t believe in hump day. we don’t believe in the midweek slump. mindset day is our big engine session. effort is the only currency here. we use this day to set us up for the rest of the week.

functional Thursday

full body build & core. functional Thursday focuses on full body strength. over 4-6 week blocks you build strength in movements such as deadlifts, barbell overhead press and core movements such as hollow holds and plank.

freaky Friday

full body engine and muscular pump. freaky Friday focuses on creating muscular endurance as well as developing cardio vascular endurance. we use resistance based exercises to work all your energy systems.

Saturday showdown

team based engine. Saturday showdown is a team based workout. you will usually work in teams of 3 to complete different workouts. teamwork is key to ensure you can smash each and every working.

Sunday sermon

on the 7th day we sweat. Sunday sermon is a mash up of mindset day & freaky Friday. we aim to finish the week strong and lay down the foundations for the week ahead.

barbell zone

all about barbell. the barbell zone focuses on olympic lifting skills. sessions are broken up into, 20mins mobility/strength, 20mins technique work, 10-15mins barbell based workout of the day. you will learn movements such as barbell clean, barbell snatch & overhead movements such as split jerk.